Thursday, September 8, 2011

Josiah's 1st Family Visit

10 people is a lot to have in our house. It isn't tiny but it sure isn't 10 people big but that's what we had for Labor Day weekend. There were people everywhere but we made it work and even managed to have fun!

Their trip down didn't go exactly as expected. They ended up with a flat tire that needed replaced on their way down. It couldn't be fixed until the next morning so they didn't arrive on Thursday evening as originally planned but they got here on Friday morning before lunch. Chelsea wasn't able to come on this trip or we would have been 11 people strong.

Friday night we went to Josiah's first football game. He got a lot of playing time and the final score was 40 (Liberty HS!) -3 (Blacksburg). Everyone was dying to see him as they hadn't actually see him yet. It was also Keegan's first football game.

I got to hold him quite a bit during the game. He was so cute. When everyone would cheer after a good play he would open his eyes really huge and look around like he was shocked but he didn't cry at all. I was so impressed.

They finally got to see Josiah after the game and he gave out sweaty hugs. Yuck!

Saturday we went to Smith Mountain Lake to swim at what we call our private beach. You technically aren't suppose to swim there but we haven't ever been told to move. It was a beautiful day for swimming. We all had sooooo much fun. Trinity can swim like a fish and Mason really enjoyed swimming in his ring. Keegan LOVED the water. He actually started to fall asleep sitting in the water in Jordyn's arms right before we left. I wish I had taken a picture. I of course didn't take many pictures because I was swimming and Jon of course didn't take any. I swam with Jacob and Josiah mostly. They had fun swimming to the bottom of the lake.  It was super deep very quickly. 

Make sure to turn the volume up before you watch the video of Josiah and Jacob doing some stunts in the water. 

Here are some pictures of our time swimming.
Jordyn and Keegan

Sammy got in on the fun too. He will swim as far out as you throw his stick. 

That afternoon almost everyone took a nap and the adults rather enjoyed the quiet. That evening we were all craving something sweet and since I had just picked apples I decided to make apple crisp with some help from Trinity and Mason. We all picked out our aprons and started by peeling apples with the Apple Peeler, Corer and Slicer. They thought it was great fun.

The Apple Crisp was quite good. We all enjoyed it that evening.

They got up and left on Sunday morning. It was a short trip but a lot of fun. Who knows what we will do next time.


  1. Can I have some Apple Crisp? What cute children!

  2. Love all the pics! Can you send me the pics you took over the weekend? I have some but not nearly enough! Can't wait until TN when we are all together again!
